Gaudete by Amy Rae Durreson

Gaudete - Amy Rae Durreson

A short story about 2 young boys meeting after more than a decade and finally getting a chance at love.

It was a very sweet and romantic story.

Sadly, I wasn't much in the mood for that, so I wasn't that impressed by the fact that Callum and Jonah met again after 11 years and this time managed to be honest about their feelings and be together. I was also a bit doubtful how one day (in fact, just a night) apart would ensure that Callum was serious about being with Jonah.

(show spoiler)


I got a bit lost in all the specifics of choristers and coupled with my lack on enthusiasm, this made for an average reading. However, don't let my rating stop you. It's a lovely Christmas story of being reunited with a loved one and getting a second chance at the love of your life.