All Washed Up by Sharon Maria Bidwell

All Washed Up - Sharon Maria Bidwell

There was a bit of head-hopping that made me re-read some paragraphs to settle into the new character. And I was just a tiny bit upset with Peter for being so uptight about his relationship with Chris.



But the whole apron job was hilarious as well as embarrassing and it was fun watching Peter sputter his way through each assignment, more so when he met Chris. It also had a certain allure and I could totally picture Peter wearing only the apron and charming Chris just with his naivety and demure appearance.


The bit about Chris putting Peter out a job felt extra, like an added reason to add tension and angst into their relationship or at least break the pattern of their relationship, so they could be seen in a more professional environment.


Yet, it all had a smooth resolve. Peter conquered his fear and went to Chris asking for a relationship. Chris managed to move past his grief for his dead lover and help Peter with work and love.

(show spoiler)

All in all, not something very memorable but enjoyable for the moment.