Stockholm Syndrome by Richard Rider

What a journey! I was so attached to Lindsay and Pip that I immediately jumped to the next volume then forced myself to stop so I could write this review only from the first novel's pov.
They are amazing characters. The book starts innocently enough. I kept looking out for poor Pip to develop Stockholm syndrome. But the story goes beyond that. Both Pip and Lindsay are complex characters with faults and qualities. And though they have a hard time verbalising their feelings, they are undoubtedly there. You can see them in the way they understand each other, can translate a breath, a gesture, a twitch of a muscle. The pair is in-sync without ever really understanding just how much. And perhaps because of that deep bond, they are able to hurt each other the most. Both are far from innocent and even in the world they build for themselves, there are obstacles to overcome. Lindsay and Valentine experience the whole range of emotions and through them, so does the reader.
It proved an intense reading and I can't wait to discover what fate has in store for them yet. 4.5 stars