Found (Darwin's Theory) by Adrienne Wilder

Found - Adrienne Wilder


Let's get one thing clear. I could not believe for one second that Peter was dead. Despite all the evidence (and trust me, it doesn't get more real than a funeral), I refused to acknowledge that Peter had died. I hung with teeth and nails to the idea it was a hoax to allow Peter to get away from Rebecca and all the secret agencies behind her. A ruse that required Darwin to also believe he was dead.


And I was proven right about 1/3 way into the book. Which is about the same time I wanted to strangle Whitcomb to death. However, the mourning D went through was very real and heartfelt. I felt really sad for him. Probably more sad, because I was repeating in my head "But Peter isn't really dead! You just don't know it yet." And Raithe... oh, he was a jewel. So caring and thoughtful! I want a happy ending for him too after everything he did for D, the way he took care of him and fought to keep him alive when D had given up all hope, then helped D in getting the truth out of Whitcomb (that almost rape scene was priceless!!) and going with D to save Peter My heart melted at all that selflessness.


The second half of the book took on a more paranormal/sci-fi edge as the cast struggled to break the metaphysical bond between Peter and Darwin. I thought that bond existed for some time so why not leave it be? (well, other than Withcomb wanting to have Peter for himself). Why was the bond suddenly dangerous to Darwin? Or was it a ploy to get him to the facility? And I hate Darwin for being so indifferent to the reasons why he was wanted by Rebecca, why and how he was different leaving the reader in the dark. This must mean another installment will be written, right?

(show spoiler)


Darwin and Peter forma great pair. I love reading about them. Hopefully, Raithe will not disappear from the scenery and we'll get to hear more from all of them.