Found (Darwin's Theory) by Adrienne Wilder

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Darwin and Peter forma great pair. I love reading about them. Hopefully, Raithe will not disappear from the scenery and we'll get to hear more from all of them.
Hi everyone,
So.. clueless about how to navigate this new site. But since many of my friends and people I follow migrated from Goodreads, I couldn't let them go. I owe more than half my reading list to their suggestions.
So here I am. Hope I won't flood the news feed for those I'll be following or who will follow me. I expect I have a couple of rough weeks ahead of me while I figure out the ins and outs of this place as well as hunt down.. I mean locate my favorite authors and friends.
Still hoping that I'll be able to use my Goodreads account but if not... best of luck to all of us that moved on. I'm off to pray to whomever that my book list is imported correctly.
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Darwin and Peter forma great pair. I love reading about them. Hopefully, Raithe will not disappear from the scenery and we'll get to hear more from all of them.