Game, Set (The Administration, #3.1) - Manna Francis I think Laura's review says it all.

I experienced a myriad of emotions throughout this read. I disliked Carnac, moved up to loathing and ended up being sick to my stomach because of of his cold and calculated tactics, which, had they been fruitful, would have destroyed Toreth, and Warrick by liaison.

At first, I rolled my eyes when Toreth, yet again, carelessly jumped to someone else's bed (or mouth) disregarding whatever he had going on with Warrick. Then I moved on to hating him for his actions, hurtful to Warrick. Then switched to feeling sorry for him. As much as I despised the man, he had accurately potrayed Toreth's psychological profile. The para-investigator is incredibly vulnerable to personal contact and so clearly attached to Sara and Warrick, while at the same time desperately burying this knowledge deep within. He made for an easy target. I simply dreaded reading on. And the sad part was, Toreth never came to realise how masterfully he had been played. To think he had been acting precisely as Carnac had predicted... thinking of calling him after the assignment was over... *shudders*

Quite an intense read, and so neatly packed in a handful of pages. It easily deserves 5 stars. Though, not sure I'll have the stomach to go through it again any time soon.